The Merced County Board of Supervisors officially kicked-off its redistricting process during the April 27 Board meeting by approving a schedule to guide the effort and launching the County’s official redistricting website.
Every 10 years, public agencies must redistrict to determine how current boundaries of their voting districts might be redrawn based on recent Census data. This process will include substantial outreach to Merced County residents to ensure supervisorial districts meet strict requirements for population equality and voting rights protections as well as respect for neighborhoods and geographical elements.
“The primary goal when redrawing election districts is to try and draw lines that respect communities and neighborhoods as much as possible,” said Chairman Daron McDaniel of the Merced County Board of Supervisors. “That is why we really hope residents get involved with the County’s redistricting efforts. We rely on local knowledge of geographic elements as well as social or economic characteristics of our neighborhoods so we can properly and fairly place them.”
The County began initial education efforts in April and May by hosting virtual Town Halls in each district to offer an overview of the redistricting process and encourage residents to get involved.
Residents will have another opportunity to get involved with the County’s redistricting efforts by attending the first Board of Supervisors public hearing on June 8 at 1:30 p.m. Residents will be able to attend in-person or watch virtually by visiting the County’s Facebook page or the Agenda Center during the broadcast. The first public hearing will focus on educating residents on the process and discussing how to be part of the effort. The meeting will conclude with opportunities for the Board of Supervisors and the public to ask questions.
Residents can also learn more about the County’s redistricting efforts, find out how to get involved, and access a number of educational resources at Draw Merced County.
On the Draw Merced County website, residents can learn about opportunities to participate in the process through four public hearings plus an information session on map-drawing tools. Residents will also find a tentative schedule of hearings and workshops as dates are determined, so please check the website for details.
Soon, residents will also be able to use online map-drawing tools to submit their own suggestions for redivided County districts and offer feedback on previously-drawn maps.
For more information on Merced County’s redistricting process or to sign up for updates and information, visit Draw Merced County.