Districting is different than most issues that come before the Board of Supervisors. Instead of being limited to saying you support or oppose a County-prepared ordinance or resolution, you can draw a map yourself!
The paper maps, DistrictR and the interactive review map are loaded with the official 2020 Census data. Please be advised that Maptitude is in the process of uploading the official data, and the data that is currently available on the tool are estimates.
A variety of map-drawing tools are available to the public:
1. Paper-only maps
2. Paper maps with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate population totals
- Public Participation Kit – Paper Map with Population ID#s (in English or Spanish)
- Public Participation Kit – Excel Spreadsheet (in English or Spanish)
3. DistrictR – a simple online map drawing tool to easily draw neighborhoods or communities of interest.
4. Caliper’s Maptitude Online Redistricting – a mapping tool to draw maps census block by census block and submit maps electronically.
5. Interactive Review Map – to review, analyze, and compare maps, not to create them. Zoom in and out on map boundaries, view population counts/ID#s, and view draft maps (once the draft maps are released). Similar to Google Maps in ease of use.
6. Story Map – an easy to use “story” of demographic and other data to learn about your community and identify “communities of interest.” Story Map is to review and analyze data, not to create maps.
If you would like to submit a map created using your own software, please email to redistricting@countyofmerced.com and include: (1) a GIS Shapefile and/or a Census Block equivalency file (using 2020 Census Blocks); and, (2) a description of the choices and key points of your map.
Submit maps to redistricting@countyofmerced.com. After you submit your map, the demographic consultants will generate the population and other demographic details for your proposed map. Maps can be viewed on the Draft Maps page.